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The Incubator Creative Hub are committed to bringing a diverse array of creative arts and events to the Tauranga Moana Community during Matariki.

Every year we work alongside the Matariki Tauranga Moana committee and our team at Okorore Ngā Toi Māori to ensure a city-wide calendar of diverse events.

We welcome you to celebrate the month of Matariki with us.

What's on?



Maumahara - Remembrance

Pōhutukawa, is the star within the Matariki cluster that is associated with maumahara - remembrance of those that have passed since the last rising of Matariki Matariki is a time for all celebrations. A special time to also celebrate those who are no longer with us through stories, shared memories and photographs. A gentle reminder to be grateful for those who have contributed to our lives and a staunch reminder of our whakapapa (genealogy), of who we are and of the names we carry.


We invite everyone who would like to pay tribute, remember and acknowledge a loved one who has passed since the last Matariki, to share a memorial photo of them in a special tribute to be screened at @thevillagecommunitycinema, at our Matariki at the Village Whanau Day event on Saturday 22 June from 9am to 2pm.This tribute will be open for everyone to come and sit and cherish these images. If you would like your loved one to be included in this tribute please email a clear photo with details to Artwork of Pōhutukawa is by @michelleestallart


Thank you to our sponsors and supporters!

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