To celebrate and showcase Toi Māori and provide spaces
for practitioners of Toi Māori
The Incubator Creative Hub welcomes you to the professionally curated Toi Māori Whare Taonga Gallery & artist studios space in Tauranga Moana.
Our Vision:
To celebrate, nurture and incubate the production of Toi Māori.
To deliver an authentic Whare taonga gallery experience for the display and sale of high quality artisan products.
In 2024, Okorore Nga Toi Maori implemented notable changes to its kaupapa, transforming the respected institution into a dynamic workspace for professional artists and a leading gallery for Toi Māori.
This reorganisation has inaugurated an annual exhibition schedule comprising of six high quality exhibitions, strategically aligned with Incubator Incubator's monthly events.
he committed team, featuring the exceptional kaitiaki and resident artist Hayley Smith, will continue to extend their support to artists with opportunities to present their work in a professionally curated environment while concurrently providing visibility to audiences.
The Incubator Creative Hub acknowledges the Tauranga Heritage Collection and TCC for the use of this whare to celebrate arts and culture.

Introducing our resident artists

Our team
Hayley Smith
Kaitiaki - Okorore Ngā Toi Māori
Kia Ora Koutou
Ko Mauao Te Maunga , Ko Tauranga te Moana
Ko Ngai Te Rangi , Ngati Ranginui nga Iwi
Ko Ngati Hangarau, Te Whanau a Ruataupare oku hapu
Ko Hayley Smith ahau.
He uri ahau no te Whare nei - Okorore ; "House of Lords".
Whakapapa to both Joseph Te Kira - te Mataamua , and Kiritoha - te Potiki of Okorore ; Faulkner House.
We are wanting to support and tautoko our amazing Ringatoi and Pakihi Māori here in Tauranga Moana by highlighting and representing our own people, places, and taonga made locally. Hayley wants to work closely with our community across a broad range of kaupapa, supporting our ringatoi with pop up exhibitions, retail store with mahi toi and Taonga Tuku Iho. It is also Hayley's aim to research whakapapa and korero about the many uri and descendants from this space.
Ensuring our Iwi and Local Māori Government agencies have Procurement Strategies that support our local business networks is on the agenda particularly for our Pakihi Māori and whanau wanting to or already making moves in this arena.
Nau mai haere mai e te whanaunga!

Past studio artists