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Brought to you by the Incubator Creative Hub - A manifestation of creativity!

The 2024 Tauranga Fringe Festival is the ultimate one-day extravaganza!


A celebration of otherness and artistic adventure, Fringe is about handing the microphone to our artistic community and creating a platform for our arts sector to connect with audience and spectators.  Get ready for a quirky mix of artsy wonders, mind-bending creativity, and a whole lot of funky fun. Stroll through market stalls, grab some grub from The Little Big Markets, and dive into the village buzz with music, street acts, poetry, games, donkey rides, fashion galore, or refresh in 

the Garden of Earthly Delights Beer. All of this for ONLY A TENNER FOR THE WHOLE DAY!

Kids under 14 free

The vision for the 2024 Tauranga Fringe Festival was a one-day spectacular, full of strange creativity, alternative art practices, the bizarre, the beautiful, the risqué, the provocative, and above all stimulating sensationalism.

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Why should I submit?

Be a part of the one of a kind Tauranga Fringe Festival!

Get on the radar and feel the love from our massive audience of art lovers in the Bay - give them an experience they will never forget! Heaps of opportunities for collaboration and networking.

All the support and up-skilling opportunities you need. This includes producing workshops and resources during the Fringe prep period, and an open-door support policy with us from registrations through to show time.

You'll be promoted within our marketing and publicity campaign - the reach will be massive! 
This  campaign includes: An Incubator Creative Hub website listing for your show/event.
Spotlight inclusion in at least one email newsletter and social media tile -also including you in our overall campaigns for the festival.

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We’re calling on YOU to join our collective of passionate practitioners, and the hard-working imaginative crew! As we put together this vibrant day that celebrates alternative and outsider art - suitable for experiences of all ages including families.

Tauranga Fringe is the perfect place to take a risk in a safe environment, try something new, explore that new idea that has been brewing, take the artistic leap into the unknown and share your ideas with a hungry audience.


No upcoming events at the moment



Please note :  All expressions of interest will be read and selected from mid January. 

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What's not acceptable at The Fringe Festival?

Under no circumstances will we accept any submissions that can be construed as racist, involve bullying or hateful attacks on individual people, including politicians, and other offensive behaviour. Political agendas have no part in this festival.

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That's so Sketch (1).png
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Historic Village Grayscale Landscape logo.png
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