Artist Submission
The Pot House Ceramic Gallery or The Artist Window Gallery
Please note that the works accepted for the gallery spaces will be discretionary depending on the suitability, work standard, presentation and for a balance of styles in the gallery spaces.

This is a two part process. If you have an interest in exhibiting and selling your works in our retail galleries you must complete this form below to register your interest.
We will get back to you to arrange a meeting. Before we meet please also read the relevant consignment agreement that you down load off this page - Black Button.
Once you have met with the Gallery Coordinator to discuss your work and to answer any questions you will be notified of your acceptance - Then please do the following:
Open, read and save a copy (for your information); of the relevant consignment agreement below. - Black button.
Then please fill out the second online form below to register your intention to abide with the relevant consignment agreement; and to also enable us to pay you for your sales.
The Incubator Galleries are inclusive community spaces for the expression of artists .
Content or themes depicted in the art of individuals do not by default represent the views of the Incubator Creative Hub team, board or volunteers.
We will not support activity that contravenes any sections of the NZ Human Rights Act 1993 .